Sunday, August 7, 2011

Feeling Lowered...

Lately, I've been really emotional with everything that I see these days, hanging out with friends, watching fighting and happy couples, and judging strangers. I realized there are so many "social steps" that I have to walk and run. I used to have positive thinking about all this and I always question, "Why am I single? Why am I single? Do I look really super ugly?? THAT BAD?? " and I always answer "It's not because you're too ugly to have a relationship, it's not because of outer beauty, it's because you're looking for a right partner who really understands you and isn't afraid of having commitment with you (seriously). and also because patience always rewards". Yeah.. I used to have that kind of thinking ,but now I don't think I could think that way anymore. I realized that physical looks are always the main factor and will always be the main factor in having relationship. Whenever a guy or a man said that one of the reasons why he dates a girl is because of that girl's inner beauty, FOR THE GIRLS WHO READ, you should know, THAT IS BULLSHIT. There's no man or guy who fall for you without looking at your face or your body. Believe me, it's how they take your "wind" away and then when they get bored with you, they'll just throw away your "wind" like a useless meaningless trash. It's not just merely about being subjective, IT'S THE TRUTH. From now on, I feel so hard to  trust anyone (especially guys), Change your mind about me? Fine then,  besides I'm just confessing and I think I did the right thing. No regrets :)

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